We believe serving the Lord in ministry is one of the most enjoyable things a person can do. When we serve in ministry we accomplish several things at the same time: We serve God; we bless people in the church, and we reach out to those who may not know Jesus Christ.
As you scroll through our ministry page you will notice we have "a little" something for everyone. Our goal at SouthPoint Church is to make sure everyone has a place to fit in. We strive to make sure there is a place where you can serve using the gifts God has given to you.
We have many different areas of ministry for you to get plugged in. It may be in our Worship Ministry, the Sonshine Cafe, Hospitality Ministry, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, Women's or Men's Ministry just to name a few.
We believe everyone needs to have a place in the church where they can fit in, and serve.

The Children's Ministry is designed to work with your family to introduce your children to the Bible and to a relationship with Jesus. We believe children are at the center of God’s Kingdom and He values them very much.
We put a high priority on caring for your child's safety, developmental ability, and spiritual foundations. Therefore we support and partner with the parents in training them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
We believe every child thrives in an environment that is rich with age-appropriate Bible teaching,
kid-friendly music, social interaction and playful activities.
Therefore, we strive to provide these things.
We strive to train and equip men to be a spiritual leader in their homes, in the church, and in their place of business.
We believe a viable men’s ministry can help develop and teach men to make an eternal impact for this generation, and for those generations to come.
We believe in today’s culture, it is increasingly important for men to honor God with their heart and life. Therefore, we have set in place five core teachings...
We believe every man has six responsibilities, and must be taught to take personal responsibility in these six areas of his life; no one else can do this him:
His walk with God
His relationship with his wife
His relationship with his children
His personal finances
His health
His Church
Men's Ministry

Women's Ministry

The SouthPoint women's ministry is designed to help women of all ages come to know and grow in Christ. It's about helping and encouraging women to apply the gospel to every aspect of their life. We believe this can happen when women connect with God through his Word and prayer. We also believe there are many aspects of ministry that our Women's Ministry can take!
But it's not just about women being active. It's about women being intentional. The key to a successful Women's Ministry is looking at the needs of the women in the local church and the local community and thinking strategically about how to best meet their needs.
We accomplish this through goals...
Our goals are in place to ensure that every woman has an opportunity to:
Hear and respond to the gospel (Acts 16:13-15)
Grow in Godliness (Ephesians 4:22)
Be spurred on to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24)
Be equipped for service (Ephesians 4:12)
Be active in making disciples (Matthew 28:16-20)
Our Women's Ministry strives to help women grow and thrive in Christ. We are here not to maintain the status quo, but to promote growth; knowing this requires flexibility and creativity.
Pastoral Support
In life people do not just think; they also want things, and they have the ability to choose. Therefore, people sometimes need instruction regarding their choices. They want to know how to make new choices, and be shown what those choices will do for them.
People also need help understanding how their private thoughts affect the way they relate to other people; and how things that happened in their past affect how they see their future.
We believe Pastoral Support offers the needed help to connect the dots, allowing them to better understand their life.
We believe proper support helps people understand themselves better in light of what Scripture says.
We also believe, when used according to the way God designed it, the Bible has the ability to show Christ’s love and authority over every dimension of human life.
Feel free to contact us if you need Pastoral help!

At SouthPoint Church we call our small groups
"Life Groups" because they are about doing life together as we grow in our relationship with God.
Life Groups are a way for every person to get connected not only to the church, but to others, and to God.
The author of Hebrews instructs us to "encourage one another daily" and "not to give up meeting together".
Life groups are one of the greatest ways to help us grow spiritually and follow Christ's example more closely.
Join a Life Group Today!

Develop a Connection - If you feel as though you are disconnected, our Life Groups are a perfect way to plant your feet in the church and feel more at home.
Grow Spiritually - Small groups serve as a vehicle to help people engage who they are, with who God is. Small groups are places to grow in spiritual disciplines of worship, prayer, Bible study, and life together.
Love & be Loved - Small groups offer a deeper experience of Christian community by sharing the journeys, joys, struggles and growth of each person.
Follow Christ’s Example - Jesus Himself was a part of a small group. The twelve apostles were His friends and His confidantes. This in itself confirms that we are created to be in relationship with one another!

About Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Bible-based self-help group for people struggling with a wide range of hurts and hang-ups.
Some of These include
Drug addiction
Alcohol addiction
Eating disorders
Gambling addiction
Anger management
Past trauma or abuse
Celebrate Recovery does not charge members to attend meetings or require any pre-registration. Meetings are held every Thursday at SouthPoint Church. You do not need to be a member of SouthPoint Church to attend, everyone is welcome.
Celebrate Recovery meetings ask members to abide by CR’S anonymity and confidentiality requirements. And in keeping with the group’s Christ-centered focus, members are asked to refrain from using offensive language and graphic descriptions of addiction-related behaviors.
Some of the Basics
While Alcoholics Anonymous is sometimes viewed as a faith-based group, the organization is non-denominational, and members are free to interpret the “higher power” referred to in the 12-Steps however they wish. Celebrate Recovery expands on the principles of AA by adding a Christian focus. Members can attend Celebrate Recovery as an alternative to AA or as a supplemental source of accountability and support for their recovery journey.
Celebrate Recovery uses 12-Steps that are similar to Alcoholics Anonymous, but each step is paired with a Bible verse. For example, Step 1 says, “We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors, that our lives had become unmanageable.” The corresponding Bible verse is (Romans 7:18 NIV) “I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.”
The Eight Principles form a road to recovery based on the Beatitudes. These were the words Jesus spoke at his Sermon on the Mount, which he began by stating that the pathway to change and happiness may not be exactly what we’re expecting.
Celebrate Recovery has three distinct lesson plans: Step Studies (small-group discussions of the 12 steps), The Journey Begins, and The Journey Continues. Typically, the program runs on a one-year repeating schedule.
How Celebrate Recovery Can Help You Stay Sober
There’s no one approach that works for everyone, but Celebrate Recovery can be an effective tool for lasting sobriety due to the following factors:
Members are encouraged to surrender to Christ. Spiritual commitment is the cornerstone of the program, using the Bible as God’s word. The program places a high value on accepting personal responsibility.
Members learn that while you can’t control everything that happens, you can control how you choose to respond to the circumstances you are facing.
The program focuses on the future, instead of going over the past and worrying about previous mistakes or misdeeds.
Since the program is open to people struggling with a wide range of hurts and hang-ups, some people may feel less stigmatized attending this sort of support group. The structure of the program also allows participants the freedom to choose to attend with a family member who wants to show their support for their recovery efforts.
Gender-specific open share small groups are held after the large group meeting to provide a place for participants to share concerns in a more intimate environment. This may be helpful for people who are uncomfortable sharing certain aspects of their recovery story in a mixed-gender environment.
You can learn how Celebrate Recovery has helped people find a way out of addiction by visiting us, or by contacting our Celebrate Recovery Ministry Director.
What Makes a Healthy Student Ministry?
We believe a healthy Student Ministry gives teens a chance to vocalize and examine their questions in community with other faithful believers. A place where they can examine Scripture and wrestle with it's meaning in their lives. Our desire is to help our students make sense of the world around them.

Essentially, youth ministry provides a place for teenagers to be themselves and exercise their freedom to learn more about God and who He is. At SouthPoint Church we believe Student Ministry is vital because it helps steward the next generation of churchgoers.
A positive youth group experience will create lifelong bonds with the church.